Friday, December 31, 2010

Hooray! Hooray! It's New Year's Day

Hooray! Hooray! It's New Year's Day
- By Kenn Nesbitt

Hooray! Hooray! It's New Year's Day!
The day we start anew.
So this year I
ve decided
To become a kangaroo!

Or maybe i will learn to fly,
Or how to walk through walls,
Or how to turn invisible,
Or surf on waterfalls.

I'll make myself elastic
And I
ll teach myself to shrink.
I'll turn into a liquid
And I
ll pour me down the sink.

I'll visit other planets
And meet aliens galore.
I'll travel to the distant past
And ride a dinosaur.

I've got so many wondrous plans.
I'm starting right away.
Yes, this will be the best year yet.
Hooray! It's New Year
s Day!

Happy New year my babies!

mommy star

1 888 430-2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause

Wow! Mommy's kissing Santa Claus!
I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus
Underneath the mistletoe last night
She didn't see me creep
Down the stairs to have a peep
She thought that I was tucked up
In my bedroom, fast asleep

Then I saw Mommy tickle(tickle,tickle,Santa Claus) Santa Claus
Underneath his beard so snowy white
Oh, what a laugh it would have been
If Daddy had only seen
Mommy kissing Santa Claus last night

He saw Mommy kissing(kissing,kissing) Santa Claus
I did! I really did see Mommy kissing Santa Claus
And I'm gonna tell my Dad
(bell sound)
Then I saw Mommy tickle(tickle,tickle Santa Claus) Santa Claus
Underneath his beard so snowy white
Oh, what a laugh it would have been
If Daddy had only seen
Mommy kissing Santa Claus last night

Oh, what a laugh it would have been
If Daddy had only seen
Mommy kissing Santa Claus last night

I did! I did! I really did see Mommy kissing Santa Claus
You gotta believe me! You just gotta believe me!
Come on, fellas, believe me! You just gotta believe me!(I told you ,I told you)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Xmas Wish List

Time to Make Your Xmas Wish List, Can You Guess What Mommy Wants?

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
Only a hippopotamus will do
I don't want a doll, no dinky tinker toys
I want a hippopotamus to play with and enjoy,
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
I don't think Santa Claus will mind, do you?
He won't have to use a dirty chimney flue
Just bring him through the front door
that’s the easy thing to do.
I can see me now on Christmas morning
Creeping down the stairs
Oh what a joy, Oh what a BIG surprise
When I open up my eyes
To see a hippo hero standing there
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
Only a hippopotamus will do
No crocodiles, no rhinoceros
I only likes hippopotamuses
And hippopotamuses like me, too(Short Music Interlude)Mom says the hippo would eat me up, but then
Teacher says a hippo is a vegetarian
There's lots of room for him in our two-car garage
I'd feed him there and wash him there and give him his massager
I can see me now on Christmas morning,
Creeping down the stairs
Oh what a joy and what a BIG surprise
When I open up my eyes
To see a hippo hero standing there
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
Only a hippopotamus will do
No crocodiles or rhinoceroseses
I only like hippopotamuseses
And hippopotamuses like me too!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Grandma's Turkey

At Grandma's House
I like the taste of turkey
Any time throughout the year
But it never
Seems to taste as good
As when Thanksgiving's here.

Could be it's all the trimmings
That are cooked with it to eat-
But I think it's
eating at Grandma's house
That makes it such a treat!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

There Was An Old Lady...

There was an odd woman
who lived in a shoe.
Which, I think you’ll agree,
was a dumb thing to do.
Her husband divorced her.
Her kids ran away.
The shoe smells disgusting.
Why on earth did she stay?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Baby Love

Well hello there little one, I am Mommy Star. Do you like Mommy's sexy silk nightie and fishnet stockings? What about her 6 inch heels?

Well Daddy loves it when Mommy dresses up for him. It makes him feel sooo special. And when Daddy is feeling special he makes Mommy feel oh so good in all the right places. Now sssshhhh, don't tell anyone but Mommy wants to show you what can happen and how good it can feel when she rubs her nice firm boobies on your diaper while we lay together in bed.

Doesn't it feel good inside your diaper when Mommy presses her hard nipples right there? And if you are a really good boy and promise to keep it our little secret, Mommy will let you suck on her boobies while she massages your diapy, mmmm, yes right there. Oh my, did baby make a gooey messy for Mommy?

Mommy Star

1 888 938-7382

Monday, October 11, 2010

Cute Duckie

How adorable is this little ducky! Don’t you just love his little bubble butt…lol imagine if he had to wear a diaper, his butt would be huge! I love collecting duckies, I’ve been doing it since birth, and my Mommy started my collection when she brought me home from the hospital. Do you love duckies too?
Mommy Star

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mommy is Here

Mommy star is always here to comfort baby when he is having a bad day. I hate the idea of my baby not feeling good or crying. What’s wrong with baby do you need Mommy to hold you? C’mere and crawl in to Mommy’s lap I have a warm bottle and your favorite blankie. After Baby finishes his bottle, Mommy will change your diaper and sing you a lullaby

Mommy Star

1 888 430-2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day

Labor Day Comments and Graphics for MySpace, Tagged, Facebook

Happy Labor Day to all my sweet babies. I hope you had a good time today playing and eating and spending time with family. Mommy had lots of fun too swimming and visiting with family, we had bbq ribs, hot dogs and hamburgers with all the fixings. After a round of Marco Polo, we all passed out from laughter. All in all it was a perfect day.

Mommy Star
1 888 430-2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Baking Cookies with Mommy

Baking Cookies with Mommy

by Valerie Gallup

Mommy and I have so much fun
Baking cookies for everyone!
I love to eat them
They are so yummy!
Specially the ones
That are in my TUMMY!

Mommy Star wants to make cookies with Baby

1 888 430-2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Bugs!

Bugs Bunny is turning 70 today so let’s all wish him a Very Happy Birthday! Bugs Bunny has been a good friend to many babies over the years, including me. I had a stuffed Bugs in my crib the day I came home and played with it most of my childhood. My Mom says it was the long ears that made it easy for me as a baby to take him everywhere I went.

Happy Birthday Bugs!

Mommy Star

1 888 430-2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

Baby Love

Man has my week been crazy. lol. And at the end of the day I get to come be with you guys. I know I say this all the time, but it makes me smile to spend time with you each night.

When I pick up the phone and hear your voice, my heart smiles with joy.

When your IM pops up to say hello, my soul fills with happiness.

When my day is bad, you are there. When my heart is in crisis, you are around.

To my abies, my darlings, thank you.

Mommy Star

1 888 430-2010

Monday, June 28, 2010

Free Hugs

What is a hug?

A hug is something special
A hug can give such joy
A hug can bring a little smile
To every girl and boy
A hug can say a thousand words
Without a single spoken one
A hug can put things right again
When everything seems wrong
A hug can be a lovely thing
It doesn't have to contain a touch
A hug can be on paper
The word 'hug' just means so much
So I'm sending you a special hug
Not physical, it's true
But this hug is sent to let you know
I think the world of you

~ Yvonne Lowther ~

Mommy Star

1 888 430-2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Fathers Day

Myspace Comments
Myspace Comments

I love you Daddy muahhhh
1 888 430-2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Ice Cream Man

The Ice Cream Man

By Paul McCann

On Sundays when the Ice Cream man is near,
The jingle of his music fills the ear,
When ever the Ice Cream man is about
you will see all the children jump and shout
for a special treat of an Ice Cream Cone.
sometimes life can be a moan, or a groan
but for the greediest of greedy guts
there are double toppings sprinkled with nuts.
Then suddenly right there before your eyes
life is wonderful and you take the prize.
With the promise of another Sunday ,
the ice cream man will come again to play
The jingle Jangle tunes into your ear
for the Ice Cream man will always be here


1 888 430-2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Summertime babies

Summer brings us nice warm sun
For swimming, fishing, and lots of fun
For finding seashells in the sand
For sunbathing to get a tan
To do all these things and more
At the beach and seashore